TMA-2 User report

TMA User reports

(with 20 mg) “I took it in two 10 milligram doses, spaced by two hours. There was a slight movement of surface textures, my hearing was deepened and spatially defined. The body was relaxed and stretching seemed necessary. The further I got into it the more I realized that I was totally lazy. Very lethargic, to the point of laughter. At the sixth hour, I was seeing more life in the woodwork, and the wooden angel hanging on the ceiling was flesh and feathers when I stared at it. Great vision. But by no means overwhelming. Sleep was fine.”

(with 20 mg) “The first two hours seemed like an eternity, with time passing slowly. Then it settled into a very calm and enjoyable event (not that it wasn’t already). The material seemed somewhat hypnotic. I suspect that I would believe suggestions, or at least not challenge them too much. I had a little confusion but it was not troublesome. On reflection, the material was quite good. It was benign in the sense that there appeared to be no dark spots. I would try it again, perhaps at 30 milligrams. Almost base-line after 12 hours, but not quite.”

(with 24 mg) “I took the dosage in two halves, an hour apart. Initially, I was a little nauseous, with light tremors and modest eye dilation. But after another hour, there was the entire package of mescaline, missing only the intense color enhancement. The world is filled with distorted. moving things. Then my little fingers on both hands got periodically numb. And there was an occasional light-headedness that hinted at fainting. The two phenomena alternated, and never got in each other’s ways. Both passed, once I realized that I would recover from this experience. Then the humor and joy of the world returned. The drop-off was quite rapid from the fifth to eighth hour, and no effects remained at all by the twelfth hour.”

(with 40 mg) “Very slow coming on. Didn’t feel it for an hour, but then at a full +++ in another hour. Beautiful experience. Erotic excellent. Eyes-closed imagery and fantasy to music. No dark corners. Benign and peaceful and lovely. There were brief intestinal cramps early, and a little diarrhea, but no other problems. I was able to sleep after eight hours, but had guarded dreams.”

(with 40 mg) “Beautiful plus 3. Some visuals, but not intrusive. Moderate, good-mannered kaleidoscopic imagery against dark. Music superb. Clear thinking. Calmly cosmic. This is a seminal, or archetypal psychoactive material. A very good experience and good for repeats. About 10–12 hrs. Sleep difficult but OK.”

Geometry of the Soul.

I met an interesting couple at a retreat in July. They gave me a write-up of their first experience with this substance. While I cannot vouch for its veracity, they both seemed genuine and honest.

40 mg., synthesized TMA-2

8 p.m. 40 mg. TMA-2 was dissolved in lemonade. Typical phenethylamine bad taste.

8:20 Mild stomach agitation. Was it real, or was it because I read about ‘brief intestinal cramps’ in a TMA-2 trip report in PIHKAL?

8:45 Plus one. Nervous, agitated energy. Eyes feeling glossy. K and I keep pacing around. Hard to sit down for more than a few minutes. Conversation between us flowing very quickly.

9:00 Plus two.

9:20 Plus three. TMA-2 takes hold.

The thing I remember the most was the energized, nonstop conversation. We talked and talked and talked. There was a bit of the empathic buzz of MDMA, but tempered a nice, unattached (in the Buddhist sense) lucidity. Heart-opening stuff, for sure, but in a different way than MDMA. This could be very effective in therapy. When I directed my vision in a concentrated manner the visuals appeared. They were very similar to 2CB visuals, but not as colorful — morphing surfaces, shimmery ‘heat’ patterning on light-colored surfaces, some peripheral sparkling. Glowsticks, as always, provided a visual treat, as did a glowing Frisbee and fireflies leaving blurry light trails against the darkness. K’s naked flesh feels electrically-charged and tingly against mine.

The comedown was long. This stuff is still working at 9+ hours. Benzodiazepenes were just what the doctor ordered to facilitate sleep at 9 hours. In fact, it took 2 administrations of Valium before we were able to get some rest. Sex was possible, but orgasm remained just out of reach (similar to MDMA).

Woke up feeling fine. Slight foggy hangover, but that could be due to Valium and lack of sufficient sleep.

Overall, our first experience with TMA-2 was very rewarding. This substance seems to enhance clear, intellectual communication and is also physically energizing without being enervating. Visuals are unobtrusive but can be summoned with concentration, and can be interesting. During the peak it gets much more visually stimulating. Prepare for a 10+ hour ride. K and I both experienced fluttery stomachs, but mine also felt like imminent diarrhea on a few occasions (which never materialized). The mild body load was certainly well worth the trip.

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