Category: Syntheses

TMA-2 User report

TMA User reports (with 20 mg) “I took it in two 10 milligram doses, spaced by two hours. There was a slight movement of surface...

TMA-2 synthesis

This is classical synthesis method of TMA-2 was made with experts from BB forum. Method To a solution of 50 g 2,4,5-Trimethoxybenzaldehyde in 175 mL...

TMA synthesis

In this post I want to represent TMA (3,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine) synthesis from corresponding trimethoxy benzaldehyde 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde. This is classical synthesis description was taken from BB forum....

Historical overview

TMA was the very first totally synthetic psychedelic phenethylamine that was found to be active in man, for which there had been any attempt to...

TMA User reports

(with 135 mg) I had no nausea, although I always vomit with mescaline. Somehow my personality was divided and exposed, and this allowed me to...

What is TMA?

TMAs, also known as trimethoxyamphetamines, are a family of isomeric psychedelic hallucinogenic drugs. There exist six different TMAs that differ only in the position of...