Category: Common themes

TMA-6 history and effects

2,4,6-Trimethoxyamphetamine (also known as TMA-6) is a lesser-known psychedelic substance of the amphetamine class. It has been reported to produce a complex mixture of stimulant,...

TMA-6 User report

Dosage: 25 – 50 mg. Duration: 12 – 16 h. (with 25 mg) I was outside at the California-Washington State football game, which was completely...

TMA-5 User report

Dosage: 30 mg or more. Duration: 8 – 10 h. (with 20 mg) There appeared to be a slight stimulation. Modest eye dilation, but normal...

TMA-4 User report

Dosage: greater than 80 mg. Duration: perhaps 6 h. (with 80 mg) I was concerned about life issues, with much introspection, for about 6 hours....

TMA-3 User report

Dosage: greater than 100 mg. Duration: unknown. (with 100 mg) There were no effects at all. No eye dilation, no believable diversion from complete normalcy....

TMA-2 User report

TMA User reports (with 20 mg) “I took it in two 10 milligram doses, spaced by two hours. There was a slight movement of surface...

Historical overview

TMA was the very first totally synthetic psychedelic phenethylamine that was found to be active in man, for which there had been any attempt to...

TMA User reports

(with 135 mg) I had no nausea, although I always vomit with mescaline. Somehow my personality was divided and exposed, and this allowed me to...